Summing up the results of the year is a standard practice for any company. It allows the team to evaluate the work done, determine the strengths and weaknesses of the business, outline plans for the future. So we decided to look back on the year. What was the year 2021 like and what the company plans for the current year will tell Maxim Nechiporenko, Renga Software deputy director general.
During the design process, a designer's comfort is essential to deliver the top design quality. This applies not only to the workplace, but the designer's software tools as well. The latest 2022 release provides both new and updated features, additional quantities, as well as the pleasure of creating projects in Renga.
Read more...“God is in the details“ used to say Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, one of the pioneers of modernist architecture. Every designer, be it an architect or an engineer, remembers this idea when creating a project. This Renga release delivers new features and upgrades including the ability to assemble several assemblies into one, ability to set topics for drawings, ability to sweep walls and many others.
Read more...Renga Software team is excited to announce the latest release of the Renga BIM system!
With the new release of Renga, we are delivering even more capabilities specifically tailored to the way you work. We’re implementing new enhancements geared towards tools for automatic drawings production. We’re improving how Renga coordinates across products by generating new unique object IDs, and we’re giving your productivity a boost with new IFC functionality.
Read more...To see the event horizon and look beyond it is probably the dream of every astrophysicist or astronaut. Our users are designers and engineers. The result of their work can be called down-to-earth, but the tasks they solve while working on a project are no less fantastic than the event horizon itself. Our mission is to help users to cope with their challenges.
Read more...They who own the information, own the world, and we make sure Renga users are provided with all the essential information on their BIM models. New Renga release brings in significant enhancement to this field – ability to set formulas in custom properties and title block cells in order to create calculated attributes. Efficient data workflows, improved productivity and calculated attributes are the common themes of latest Renga release. Users will also appreciate enhanced schedule flexibility: we implemented the ability to copy drawings not only within one project, but between multiple projects as well, significantly improving design outcomes. Design of the technological parts of the project has seen several important improvements, too. These enhancements make Renga more productive and user-friendly.
Read more...Renga Software development team is exited to announce the latest release of Renga BIM system. Designers can now automatically fill title blocks in the drawings, improve their project outcomes with the enhanced Assembly tool, cut walls with stairs and cut stairs with beams, columns, roofs, wall foundations and isolated foundations.
Read more...Renga Software development team is exited to announce the latest release of Renga BIM system. Users can now automatically create and place borders and title blocks in the drawings, control the display of windows and doors that are part of assemblies, copy schedules and work on custom properties with multiple users when collaborating.
Read more...Renga Software development team is exited to announce the latest release of Renga BIM system. This release brings you enhancements and optimizations – including better interoperability and integration between Renga and other BIM software – and a piece of new functionality that will speed up your project delivery. Read on to see what’s new in Renga 4.5.