Attention! The current version of Renga is 8.4.16817
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Release notes
- The ability to Paste Link to an image into the model space.
- Display File Type and Count of Link Instances.
- Ability to control link load type on project opening.
- SD#7276605 – Individual customize pipe, duct, and electrical system parameters.
- SD#7475567 – The ability to set a negative slope for building pipes and ducts on routes.
- Splash screen at application startup.
- Displaying and saving watermarks when working under a non-commercial license.
- SD#7481756 – Increased default dialog size.
- SD#7464779 – The Tag style is taken into account when the Select similar command is executed.
- SD#7332514 – Display grid lines and sections without dots.
- SD#7475655 – Create and write an AutoRecover file only when there are changes.
- Reducing RAM consumption.
- SD#7416897 – API. The ability to create style.
- SD#7481017 – API. Added descriptions of the return values of the HoleObjectPlacementBinding and HoleObjectExtent parameters.
- SD#7476438 – API. Added an example of obtaining a list of route segments between two objects of engineering systems.
- SD#7467260 – No scrolling to found item when using incremental search.
- SD#7475590, SD#7477450 – Does not display the dimension on the Level view in some cases.
- SD#7475892, SD#7476557, SD#7476858, SD#7480965 – Unable to change the property name.
- SD#7464550 – Inner surface area of the door not updated in some cases.
- SD#7480961 – In some cases, assemblies inserted into assemblies are not displayed.
- SD#7480851 – Incorrect interpretation of the display style settings for assemblies in the Object view.
- SD#7477980 – API. The geometry of objects added in the application session is not exported.
- SD#7480966 – The crash when opening a project in some cases.