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ProGorod Company Talks on Renga Capabilities


The construction of any object always begins with idea and notion of what it should be, what purposes it should serve, where it should be located, and what it should include. Nowadays, technologies help to bring ideas to life: rendering and digital modeling of objects provide a clear picture of the future object. Modern technologies and equipment have significantly accelerated the construction process. Now users don’t have to wait decades to see a house built, and for design and construction to be effective, information modeling technology comes in really handy.


Renga Software Celebrates its Birthday


Dear friends, today Renga Software celebrates another birthday - we are 7 years old! Over these last seven years we have done a lot for the world of BIM design, worked on developing our software solution, constantly improving it.


Welcome to the new world of Renga!


Once upon a time there was a BIM system called Renga. From year to year it developed, got more features, and thanks to developers' efforts and users' feedback, it's only become more efficient and powerful. Our product team worked non stop to develop Renga, adding new functionalities and improving already existing tools. Are you ready to discover new Renga with us?


Obvious Advantages of BIM: Sevkavnipiagroprom Company Implements Renga


Sevkavnipiagroprom is Rostov-on-Don based design company established in 1930; it currently employs 30 people. The company develops city-planning documentation, engages in integrated design of capital construction projects, including highly dangerous and technically challenging facilities, conducts engineering surveys for building construction, and operates as a general design contractor. The company also designs facilities for a wide range of purposes: industrial and civil buildings, schools, kindergartens and residential complexes.


KS-Development Company: Information Modeling Technology for Efficient Design


KS-Development is a design company based in Rostov-on-Don engaging in the design of apartment buildings, kindergartens, schools, medical, sport, cultural, industrial and agricultural facilities from Crimea to Sakhalin Island. All projects are very complex and challenging.


Better Performance and Improved MEP Design in Latest Renga Release

18-08-2023 Every six weeks Renga Software development team releases an updated version of Renga BIM system bringing new functionality, improved tools and enhanced capabilities. Each new release is a piece of a large puzzle creating the world of Renga and helping our users to appreciate and use all the possibilities of information modeling.


Digital Information Model of Gas Pipeline Was Created in Renga BIM System

11-08-2023 Just recently information modeling technology seemed to be a tool of the distant future, complex and inaccessible to design companies. But as time went on, BIM has gradually developed, becoming the cutting-edge technology, and to be more precise, the essential technology for those companies wanting to effectively manage capital construction projects. Nowadays, even small design companies know that the use of BIM technology leads to improved quality of work, becoming more competitive in the market and financially successful. And this statement has been proved by the S.K.I.F. Company experience, which not only switched to information modeling technology, but chose domestically developed Renga BIM system for these purposes.


Convenience and Efficiency of Renga Collaboration


What do you think is the most important thing for architects, designers and engineers? Comfortable workplace, friendly colleagues, grateful customers, efficient equipment, state-of-the-art software. Everyone has their own list, from our end we'd like to add collaboration. You have to agree how essential it is for project stakeholders to be able to work together, get and exchange relevant data in real time mode. This functionality considerably reduces the chance for discrepancies, validating the accuracy and consistency of the model. It is a win-win situation for both customers and project stakeholders.


Renga BIM System Release Announcement


A long time ago architects used to play a key role in a building construction. They created drawings and plans of future facilities, supervised project and construction workflows. Architects needed to know structural mechanics, physics, chemistry, geology, etc. The ongoing development has significantly elaborated construction technology. Almost every project team now has specialists like MEP engineers and structural engineers. Such development would seem to have only advantages, but the more people involved in the project, the more errors may appear due to incoherence. IT development and cutting-edge software solutions streamline design workflows and reduce the potential for human error.


Better Project Collaboration, Optimized Drawing Workflows and Many More in the Latest Renga Release


Any building or facility project consists of construction materials. Having accurate data on material quantity is one of the most important design tasks; it saves a great deal of time and effort at the construction and maintenance stages. The latest Renga release brings you enhancements and optimizations, and a serious piece of new functionality: improved automated construction material calculation, better project collaboration, optimized drawing workflows with the new ability to sort drawings in a topic, increased application performance when working with large data.


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